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Ttp|v~~p pqp Angellasox - 2020/05/18(Mon) 03:05 HomePage No.16428

<b>Dx, ~ tuzryu|~ ^ry{p!</b> B q|ywpzyu |stp 27% }yr {}p~yz ~yx xp|p ry} t~y{p}, 37% t}p {pu~yy u~p|p. B utruyy s|qp|~s {yxyp ty~ t||p r }u ~u ~p~uv uq t}p~u} qtwu, p r uu{yru - B qtuu |p pqy|~z tt, {z qtu ru|yyrp yx }up r }u. <a


In the next six months, 27% of global companies will reduce their employees ' salaries, and 37% are thinking about reducing their staff. In the run - up to the global crisis, three dollars a month will not harm the household budget, and in the future-You can get a stable income that will increase from month to month. <a

<img src="https://sun3-10.userapi.com/c857228/v857228397/14b126/nRvJFIlk36E.jpg">
