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7hpo2h menvicala  - 2020/08/26(Wed) 00:10  No.17359

г° г Here's a photo of me playing on the back end of one of the smaller waves! (I reckon it could be good again tomorrow?) yeah there were a lot more people around on Sunday but I reckon they were more noticable because people weren't getting on 'cause everything was high? They then spent their time driving around looking for something to paddle https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sites/default/files/webform/c102-297-solitaire-grand-harvest-generator-generate-unlimited-resources-cheat-online-generator-2020-android-ios-297-17.pdf
I think someone asked this a while ago, but I'm gonna do it anyway! As some of you may know I'm trying to get through my assessor status stuff and IT'S BLOODY IMPOSSIBLE!!! >: I think Mick and I have plenty to explore and discuss. https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sites/default/files/webform/c138-264-brain-wash-generator-generate-unlimited-resources-cheat-online-generator-2020-android-ios-264-sq.pdf
г Personnally one of my favorite runs is the Mellte in South Wales. This is due to the fact that it has a bit of everything from big drops to technical gorges and it is in some wonderfull scenery. Also there are plenty of places to stop and play on the way down and it is only half an hour from where I live. Mick :D https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sites/default/files/webform/c141-259-cartographers-generator-generate-unlimited-resources-cheat-online-generator-2020-android-ios-259-u6.pdf
I'm intrigued by the closed eyes/open eyes thing when rolling? I've always had my eyes closed....unless things get VERY hairy! never really thought that others did it differently? When rolling I think I always go by feel rather than sight...does that make sense to anyone other than me? https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sites/default/files/webform/c135-264-pirates-outlaws-generator-generate-unlimited-resources-cheat-online-generator-2020-android-ios-264-j5.pdf
I personally paddle an Inazone 230 which I quite like since it has all the characteristics I want in a river boat; its fast, turns well, stable and predictable. Its also good at playing though it needs slightly bigger features than some of the boats you mentioned. https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sites/default/files/webform/c144-258-cartographers-generator-generate-unlimited-resources-cheat-online-generator-2020-android-ios-258-fj.pdf
Ooooh yes it was lovely. Huge and flooding out of it's banks, mostly washed out into one five mile wave train megarapid with a few big holes to avoid. Conventional wisdom is that Euthanasia falls washes out in high levels...not so today(!) as we dropped over blind. It was one stomping hole which was powerful enough to blow my deck as I subbed under...putting it back on was amusing in midflow! г https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sites/default/files/webform/c102-297-solitaire-grand-harvest-generator-generate-unlimited-resources-cheat-online-generator-2020-android-ios-297-17.pdf
Will. If I get around to a new second edition I will be asking for all the input and ideas that the real paddlers out there have, Until then I am really chuffed out here in cold BC that so many of the Welsh rivers are being enjoyed perhaps due in part at least to my small efforts . https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sites/default/files/webform/c138-264-brain-wash-generator-generate-unlimited-resources-cheat-online-generator-2020-android-ios-264-sq.pdf
to camp at the Ailfroide campground, as there is some excellent cragging there. Lets us know of your plans and maybe we could meet up.